Become an EMPAC Investor or Increase Your Contribution

To reach EMPAC’s Million Dollar Mission, we need your help. If you are not currently an EMPAC Investor, please join our fight. If you are already an EMPAC Investor, thank you. We hope you will consider going to the next level.
New EMPAC Investors who give $5 or more will receive an EMPAC Investor lapel pen and be entered into a drawing for one of three VISA gift cards - $500, $250 or $150.
Current EMPAC Investors who increase will be entered into a separate drawing for one of three VISA gift cards - $500, $250 or $150 and an EMPAC Investor lapel pin for your giving level.

By investing in EMPAC today, you are joining the ranks of more than 9,500 SEANC members who are working together to elevate the issues of state employees and retirees by supporting candidates who will fight to protect and enhance our rights and benefits.
Will you stand with your fellow state employees and retiree and invest today?