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LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Raises and bonuses are the hot topics in budget talks

May 27, 2022

The General Assembly got down to business this week in the short session, and wasted little time getting to the important issues in what is expected to be a quick stay in Raleigh.

Leadership in the legislature is working on the state budget, and our lobbyists are hearing that state employees and retirees are the main topics of discussion.

House Budget Writer Rep. Jason Saine told the News & Observer on Thursday that the state budget would be on the fast track. He added that he expected the legislature's proposal to be "in the ballpark" of Gov. Roy Cooper's budget proposal, which included additional raises, bonuses, and a cost-of-living adjustment for retirees.

Retirees, we want to hear from you! We need you to send us a short video telling us why you need a COLA! We will use these videos to press home the need for the increase on social media throughout the session.