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LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: The budget dance begins, SEANC tracking important bills

Feb 13, 2023

The first rumblings of the annual state budget debate cranked up this week, with appropriations committees meeting for the first time this session.

Sen. Ralph Hise (R-McDowell) once again filed his bill to remove state employees' right to have their association dues and other payments deducted from their paychecks. Senate Bill 87 would affect all associations, including SEANC. There is no real fiscal impact on the state from providing dues deduction. SEANC will continue to monitor the bill’s movement and alert members should the threat increase.

Other bills we’re tracking:

  • House Bill 11/Senate Bill 62 – These bills establish a separate board of trustees for each of the residential schools for the blind and deaf.
  • House Bill 36 – This bill would make Probation and Parole Officers eligible for a conceal-and-carry permit without taking the class and exam.
  • House Bill 46 – This bill exempts retirees of state government from state income tax.
  • Senate Bill 4 – This bill exempts retirees with at least 20 years of employment from state income tax.
  • Senate Bill 46 – This bill aims to stop surprise medical billing by requiring an in-network facility to give written notice that all providers are not necessarily in-network providers. The notice would also give an estimated cost to the insured for the health care service being rendered by an out-of-network provider.
  • Senate Bill 48 – This bill repeals Certificate of Need laws, which restrict access to care, prevent providers from offering services in their communities, increase healthcare costs by preventing competition, and create anxiety about the quality of care when people are most vulnerable. More than 70 percent of surgeries are performed outpatient and in the highest-cost hospital settings. The repeal of CON laws would allow doctors to send patients to lower-cost facilities like ambulatory surgical centers providing healthcare options and lowering healthcare costs for patients.
  • Senate Bill 83 – This bill prohibits state employees from downloading or accessing Tik Tok and WeChat on state devices.

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