Pension system sets record thanks to Treasurer Folwell’s management
Sep 04, 2020
As other pension plans around the country struggle, our plan has grown to a record $108.1 billion thanks to sound investments and management by State Treasurer Dale Folwell.
Even through the economic downturn thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, Folwell achieved stellar performance with the plan. Just prior to the pandemic, critics believed and stated publicly that Folwell’s strategy was not aggressive enough. Had these critics been in charge, the system – and state employees and retirees – would have suffered.
Folwell’s conservative investment strategy led to a 6.38% gain in the second quarter of 2020 while other state pension systems struggle.
“We cannot let Wall Street drag the plan into risky and dangerous investment schemes that increase fees and jeopardize the solvency of a plan that exists to benefit those that teach, protect and serve,” Folwell said.
Legislature passes relief package with checks for parents
The legislature returned to Raleigh this week for two days to pass a $1.1 billion Coronavirus relief package that will give all households with parents of children 17 and younger a $335 stimulus check, among other measures.