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SEANC lays out 2024 legislative goals with business leaders

Jan 05, 2024

SEANC Executive Director Ardis Watkins recently participated in a roundtable facilitated by Business North Carolina with other association leaders to discuss the challenges facing workers and businesses as we head into 2024.

Watkins joined Brooks Raiford, president and CEO of the North Carolina Technology Association; Shawn Harding, president of the North Carolina Farm Bureau; Bradford Sneeden, director of public affairs for the Moore & Van Allen; Chip Baggett, executive vice president and CEO of the North Carolina Medical Society; and Andy Ellen, president and general counsel of the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association, in the hour-long discussion of the needs of the state in 2024.

The roundtable event allowed Watkins to continue highlighting the massive vacancy crisis in North Carolina state government and how it affects all of the state's businesses and citizens.

The full story appears in this month's edition of BusinessNC magazine and online.