SEANC weighs in on possible DMV privatization, Durham schools 'sickouts'
Feb 23, 2024

The latest efforts at privatization of state government came last week from Sen. Michael Lazzara, who told CBS-17 that legislators will take a closer look at privatizing the Division of Motor Vehicles.
As part of the budget that passed last year, the General Assembly authorized $125,000 for a study regarding DMV privatization. It's due May 1.
SEANC opposes any effort to privatize state government because it is a raw deal for taxpayers and public workers. President Kirk Montgomery told CBS-17 that lawmakers should address the issues at DMV head-on instead of selling them off to the highest bidder, who will make matters worse.
"The state has a 20 percent vacancy rate. And so, that's a big problem. We're not hiring, so they're trying to put a Band-Aid on the issue," he said. "This is a lazy way of trying to get things done by trying to privatize. Invest in the resources we need to get state employees here to actually work."
SEANC Executive Director Ardis Watkins also weighed in on the ongoing problems at Durham County Schools. Employees there have resorted to "sickouts" to protest against pay issues.
State law prohibits state or local government employees from stopping or slowing work "as a means of enforcing compliance with a demand upon the employer."
Watkins said SEANC decided years ago to seek discussions with Republican leadership at the state legislature rather than encouraging state workers to engage in sickouts.
"We find you get more done when you sit down at a conference table than you do standing outside, holding signs," Watkins told WRAL.