Tell Cone Health's Board of Trustees to Sign the State Health Plan contract!

Jul 31, 2019

More than 200,000 State Health Plan members receive care in the Triad, yet the hospitals meant to serve this community are digging in to protect their profits while threatening access to affordable care.

However, you can stand up for your right to fair and transparent care by contacting your system’s CEO to let them know that State Health Plan members are done paying for overpriced care and our Plan is no longer their piggy bank.

Despite the fear tactics of the hospitals, it’s not too late. Providers still have time to do the right thing by signing the contract and joining the 27,000 providers around the state who have already signed on to secure in-network care for our state’s civil servants.

Cone Health
Board of Trustees

Yun Boylston,
Burlington Pediatrics

Lenora Campbell, PhD
NCA&T Dean College of Health and Human Sciences

Edward F. Cone
twitter @efcone

Allen E. Gant, Jr.
Glen Raven

F.D. Hornaday III

J. Wayne Keeling, MD
Reidsville Orthopedics Sports Medicine

J. Edward Kitchen
Joseph M. Bryan Foundation

David F. Leeper

James H. Maxwell, MD
Greensboro Radiology
336-273-7051 or 336-433-5000

M. Lee McAllister
Weaver Investment Company

Chapman T. McQueen, MD
Alamance ENT

Carole Simms
Fox Rothschild