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Scholarship Apply

Scholarship applications MUST be completed online by April 15th. Click on the link below to apply for a SEANC Scholarship. You can only apply in one category.

2025-2026 SEANC Scholarship - Financial Need (Category I)

Accredited four-year universities/colleges, two-year community colleges/technical schools — undergraduate only

  • Based on academic performance and financial need.
  • Applicant must be enrolled full-time in, or have applied to, a university or college as stated above.
  • Must provide a copy of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with the Student Aid Index.
  • No federal tax forms (1040’s) will be accepted.

2025-2026 SEANC Scholarship – Merit Need (Category II)

Accredited four-year universities/colleges, two-year community colleges/technical schools – undergraduate only

  • Based on academic performance without regard to financial need.
  • Applicant must be enrolled full-time in, or have applied to, a university or college as stated above.

2025-2026 SEANC Scholarship – Member Only (Category III)

Accredited four-year colleges/universities or two-year community colleges/technical schools

  • Awarded to active and associate members who are working full-time and wish to continue their education on a part-time basis.
  • Applicant must be enrolled before disbursement of funds is issued.
  • Undergraduate degree (six hours or more per semester)
  • Graduate degree (three hours or more semester)
  • Applicant must be enrolled in, or have applied to a university or college.
  • The application must be submitted by April 15.

Click here to apply for a Retiree Grandchild Scholarship.

Click here for District Scholarship Chairperson information.

Click here for Leadership NC Scholarship information.