Brenda Williams

Brenda Williams
District 44 Chair, North Central
Regional Rep
Q1: Where do you work? I work for the State Treasurers Office as a Deputy Treasurer in the Unclaimed Property Division, and before that as the Director of Financial Literacy for the State Treasurer.
Q2: How did you become involved in SEANC? I joined in 2011, the same year I started working for the state. One of my co-workers invited me to a local district meeting, and I joined that evening.
Q3: What offices have you held in SEANC? I am the District 44 Chair, a North Central regional representative, I serve on the Statewide Training Committee, the State Emerging Leaders Council, I’m an EMPAC member, a Convention Delegate, and the Chair of Member Strengths.
Q4: What has been the most rewarding part of being active in SEANC? The most rewarding part of being active in SEANC is working alongside diverse people in all areas of state employment. SEANC’s leadership is comprised of people working in prisons, the Department of Transportation, community colleges, all state agencies, active employees and retirees. Our membership is so diverse and filled with unique perspectives and backgrounds, yet we all work towards the same goal.
Q5: What do you wish everyone knew about SEANC? I wish everyone knew that SEANC is a member-driven organization. A member can engage as much as they want to shape the organization, what candidates we endorse, to hold leaders accountable, and be involved.
Q6: What are your hobbies? I enjoy line dancing and crossword puzzles. I look forward to line dance at convention. I got my love of crossword puzzles from my mother. I think they’re very therapeutic.
Q7: Tell us about your family? I am a proud mother and grandmother. I have one daughter and two grandchildren, 4 and 2 years old.
Q8: What is an interesting fact about you that people should know? Prior to the pandemic, I enjoyed traveling.My most memorable trips were to Paris and Rome. In Rome, I visited the Coliseum and Vatican City. In Paris, I went almost to the top of the Eiffel Tower and got to see Notre-Dame cathedral.