What has SEANC done for me?
Click here to download this list and the SEANC Policy Platform
- Engaged state and national leaders over the outrageous cost of prescription medications, including GLP-1 drugs to treat weight loss.
- Fought to maintain longevity pay.
- Secured full funding of the retirement system.
- Prevented State Health Plan premium increases for the seventh straight year.
- A 4% pay raise in 2023 and a 3% raise in 2024 for most state employees.
- Including non-certified school personnel and UNC employees.
- A 4% pay raise in 2023 and a 3% raise in 2024 for most state employees. Including non-certified school personnel and UNC employees.
- A 4% one-time supplement for retirees in 2023.
- A 5.5% pay raise in 2023 for employees on a step-pay plan and an additional 3% in 2024.
- NCDPS Juvenile Justice Step Pay Plan implemented.
- Labor market reserves for agencies to use to address certain position salaries to bring them more in line with similar positions.
- Funding for State Health Plan and Retirement System.
- An average of 2% for bus drivers in addition to the 4% across the board in 2023.
- State employee personnel records still maintained as private.
- No increase in State Health Plan premiums for sixth year in a row.
- Extension of GLP-1 weight loss drugs through April 2024
- Longevity pay maintained.
- Secured an additional 1% pay increase for most state employees resulting in a 3.5% total increase in 2022.
- Secured an additional 1% supplement for retirees resulting in a 4% bonus in 2022.
- Minimum wage increase for non-certified school employees to $15 per hour in 2022.
- Longevity pay maintained for active state employees.
- Protection of employee personnel records.
- State Health Plan was fully funded. No premium increase for the fifth consecutive year.
- Teachers and State Employees Retirement system fully funded. Employer contribution is now 17.38%.
- Opportunity for employees to use or cash in special bonus leave benefits that accrued.
- Secured a 5% pay increase (2.5% in 21 and 2.5% in 22) and bonuses for most state employees.
- Secured a 5% supplement for retirees (2% in 21 and 3% in 22).
- Gained an experience-based step-pay plan for correctional officers and probation parole employees.
- Served as employees’ voice as the COVID-19 pandemic caused major disruption throughout the world.
- Played an integral role in securing COVID-19 tests for all state employees.
- Fought and won hazard pay for employees on the front lines of the pandemic.
- Released a report on prison safety that led to the creation of a legislative task force aimed at making our prisons safer for employees.
- Secured a 2.5% pay raise in each of the next two years and five days bonus leave for most state employees.
- Secured supplements of up to $7,500 for correctional personnel serving in prisons with high vacancy rates.
- Successfully lobbied for $15 per hour minimum wage for most state employees. The first such minimum for state employees in the nation!
- Most other state employees received a 2% raise.
- Doubled the line-of-duty death benefit and secured a 4% raise for correctional officers.
- Stopped mass privatization of DOT.
- Secured a commitment from State Treasurer Dale Folwell to hold State Health Plan premiums steady for four years.
- Procured a $1,000 pay increase and a 1% cost-of-living adjustment for retirees.
- 1.5% increase + 0.5% compensation bonus.
- Saved the 80/20 option and spousal coverage under State Health Plan from cuts.
- Defeated a bill to implement a minimum retirement age for state employees.
- $750 bonus for active state employees.
- Fought back and attack on SHRA protections.
- Stopped massive Department of Transportation position cuts.
- Maintained State Health Plan benefits for retirees.
- $1,000 bonus for active state employees.
- Secured the first ever audit of the retirement system.
- Secured the return to five-year pension vesting from 10 years.
- Won autism treatment coverage in the State Health Plan.
- Maintained due process rights for employees covered by the SHRA.
- Saved 3 prisons that were slated for closing.
- Saved the DHHS Oral Health Division services.
- Protected personnel files from being made public.
- Saved 400 prison maintenance jobs from privatization.
- Permanently secured three days of vacation at Christmas.
- Won 5 bonus leave days.
- 1.2% across-the-board increase and five bonus days for active state employees.
- Stopped privatization of inmate health care services and N.C. Zoo employees.
- Successfully lobbied for the Whistle Blowers Protection Act.
SEANC is the state’s leading advocate for a strong and healthy retirement system and has been at the forefront of several key battles this decade to ensure your money is safe. We conducted a forensic audit in 2014 to prove that hundreds of millions of dollars were going to Wall Street money managers, and we helped elect a State Treasurer in 2016 to end this practice. We fight each year to stop attempts to kill the defined benefit pension system and make sure it is fully funded each year by the legislature. A SEANC Member currently serves on this board!
Almost every year, regardless of what party is in charge, we see attempts to sell off functions of state government to the highest bidder. SEANC is your only voice fighting to stop the privatization and outsourcing of your job. In the last decade, we’ve thwarted attempts to privatize prison maintenance and health care, the state’s information technology services, the state ferry system and even the N.C. Zoo, to name a few.
Pay raises for state employees and retirees are always at the top of our legislative priorities. We work tirelessly with legislators during the state budget process to ensure that the sacrifices that state employees and retirees make are properly recognized. Along with raises, longevity pay is an important tool to honor that dedication and retain a strong workforce. Teachers lost their longevity pay in this decade, but SEANC has been able to protect it for state employees.
Health care is one of the largest expenditures most working families make yearly. SEANC is the only organization watching over the State Health Plan and fought successfully to move it to governance by an independent board. We also ensure that it is fully funded each year. Currently, we are fighting to implement the Clear Pricing Project to bring transparency and cost savings to the plan for state employees, retirees and taxpayers. A SEANC Member currently serves on this Board!