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Invest in Empac


  • Dedicated to supporting state employees’ and retirees’ interests
  • An effective tool to make your voice heard in Raleigh
  • State employees organized to raise money for candidates who support quality public services

EMPAC Statewide Board:

  • Chairman: Junior Hulen,
  • Vice Chairman: Walton Jones
  • Secretary: Tammy Tompkins
  • Treasurer: Doranna Anderson
  • Past Chairman: Mark Dearmon
  • Officer Liaison - SEANC President Kirk Montgomery
  • Staff LiaisonFlint Benson, Political Strategist
  • Parliamentarian - Paula Schubert

EMPAC Areas & Area Chairpersons

SEANC: Stronger through Political Action

The SEANC Employees Political Action Committee (EMPAC) is a critical tool to ensure our success in the fight to secure pay raises and improve health care and retirement benefits.

Why do state employees need a PAC?

Simply put, EMPAC is SEANC’s political arm. SEANC’s primary role is to advocate for member priorities in the General Assembly. EMPAC’s primary role is to support the legislators and other politicians running for political office and who are supportive of SEANC’s priorities.

Why should you specifically contribute to the PAC? As a state employee, your job is political. Fair or not, your pay, benefits and way of life depend on politicians. One way in which you can improve your future is to become politically active and join EMPAC.

When you contribute to EMPAC, you can help elect supportive public officials. With a more employee-friendly legislature, we are more likely to achieve the goals that matter to you: pay, health care and retirement.

Who does EMPAC support?

  • House and Senate candidates for the North Carolina General Assembly
  • Candidates who embrace state employee issues – regardless of political party
  • Statewide candidates

How can I help EMPAC?

  • Join EMPAC by payroll deduction
  • Become involved with your district EMPAC
  • Vote for political candidates who support SEANC’s views
  • Become a SEANC Member Advocate

A strong EMPAC helps SEANC fight for you!

  • Pay
  • Health Care
  • Retirement
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Workplace Rights

Gloria Upperman Award Nominations

EMPAC Training Site