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Health Care

Protecting state employees' health care options is a major hallmark of SEANC's mission. On behalf of members, SEANC works to preserve low-cost, high-quality health care as offered through the North Carolina State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees. Staff lobbyists and health care industry experts also monitor the private vendor contracts held by the State Health Plan (SHP) to ensure that state employees are receiving the best care available at the most efficient cost to taxpayers.

Currently, the SHP is administered by a contract with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina and open enrollment will be October 15 - October 31, 2020.

SEANC has successfully advocated for the following victories regarding the SHP:

  • Governance Change Achieved SEANC successfully advocated for control of the SHP to move away from the General Assembly to the state treasurer. SEANC also championed a governing board for the SHP that includes four out of eight voting seats comprised of state employees and retirees, giving plan members an equal voice in SHP decisions.
  • Premium-Free SHP Option Protected SEANC protected a premium-free health care option for employees and retirees participating in the SHP.
  • SHP Cost-Plus Contracts Ended As part of the SHP reforms, SEANC achieved its long-term goal to stop awarding future cost-plus contracts to SHP vendors, saving money for employees and retirees.