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Dental (Delta Dental)

A new benefit of your SEANC membership is the Delta Dental Plan. The plan includes an annual deductible from $25 to $50, and preventative care is 100 percent covered with no deductible for two visits per year.

Rates for the Basic Plan start at just $23.81 per month; once the plan is in effect, there are no waiting periods. Enrollment forms received by the first of the month will be effective on the first of the following month.

Key Facts about Delta Dental:

• North Carolina’s largest dental network—36% larger than our next-closest competitor
• Not-for-profit dental service corporation created in 1970
• Based in Raleigh, North Carolina
• A leading administrator of dental benefits in North Carolina
• More than 1 million North Carolinians have access to our dental networks

Click the blue links below to view.

Find Delta Dental participating dentists near you by using the search feature on our website at, or by calling Delta Dental toll-free at 800-662-8856.