Jamie Bennett

Jamie Bennett
District 11 Chair
Occupation: NCDOT
How did you become involved in SEANC? Years ago, a coworker, Anthony Hall, introduced me and told me what it was about. I was all for someone trying to help us, so I joined. I didn’t know what was going on, but my coworkers told me I’d get more involved as time went on. Even though I didn’t believe them at the time, now here I am as District Chair.
What offices have you held in SEANC? I was just a delegate before I became Chair.
What has been the most rewarding part of being active in SEANC? I like being able to tell people the good parts of what’s happening with SEANC, and what they do for us. When I see negative people, I tell them what we do for them and what we stand for. It changes how they view SEANC after I talk to them about what SEANC does for them. I tell them how SEANC puts money towards boots that we wear in the field, how they fight for benefits, and I tell them about the convention and that they get rewarded for going.
What do you wish everyone knew about SEANC? SEANC is all we have. No one else is fighting for us. SEANC goes to bat for us 100 percent, even though people aren’t involved SEANC still helps. They don’t discriminate.
What are your hobbies? I love sports and working with young kids. I like baseball, football, basketball, and high school wrestling is one of my favorites.
Tell us about your family: I’m a family man and have been married going on 33 years. I have three children and four grandchildren. One of my daughters in school system, my son is a police officer, and my other daughter is truck driver. My wife is store manager in retail.
What is an interesting fact about you that people should know? I’m a positive guy and I want to make sure people are happy. I like to help out behind the scenes. I’m on the financial committee at Church and help with yard work on cemetery committee. I just like helping people without any expectation of a reward.