Joyce Shaw

Joyce B. Shaw, Parliamentarian
District 69 member
Occupation: Active, Elizabeth City State University. Office Manager for Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Q1: How/when did you become involved in SEANC? I joined SEANC in 1990 when I began working for ECSU. After attending SEANC conventions, I became fascinated with the Parliamentarian’s role, Parliamentarian Procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order. That experience sparked my interest in serving as District Bylaws Chair. As Parliamentarian, I am constantly learning and preparing for upcoming SEANC meetings. It is important to know the upcoming amendments and to be prepared when and if someone challenges the Rules of Order.
Q2: What offices have you held in SEANC? I have served as District Secretary/Treasurer since 1995 and have been District 69 Bylaws Chair, Awards Chair, and Scholarship Chair. In addition to serving as State Parliamentarian, I am also a member of the SEANC Higher Education Committee.
Q3: What has been the most rewarding part of being active in SEANC? I enjoy helping fellow employees. It is rewarding being able to talk to people about the benefits of SEANC membership. Some state employees feel they don’t need to join SEANC because SEANC helps all state employees and retirees whether they are members or not. I give them examples of SEANC resources and programs, such as, insurance, discounts and scholarship.
Q4: What do you wish everyone knew about SEANC? There is strength in numbers. It is amazing what SEANC has been able to do with our current membership. If we built those numbers up to say 100,000 members, we would be a true force in the legislature.
Q5: What are your hobbies? I love to read historical romances. In addition, I’m learning to cook using an air fryer. The recipes are new and different, and the meals are delicious and healthy at the same time. My true passion is following Formula One racing. It is the highest class of international auto racing for single-seater racing cars. The Formula One drivers must be strong and talented to control the cars. However, having talent isn’t enough. You need a lot of money to get in the sport. In its 70-year history, there has been only one black driver and he won his seventh world championship a few weeks ago.
Q6: Tell us about your family: As the youngest of nine children, the first six siblings were old enough to be my parents by the time I was born. I have a married daughter who has two boys ages 14 and 18. They live in Chesapeake, Virginia.
Q7: What is an interesting fact about you that people should know? I am an extremely shy person and it sometimes comes off as aloof or stand-offish. Although public speaking is a challenge for me, I deliberately put myself in situations where it is necessary to try to overcome it. I highly recommend joining Toastmasters International to help people prepare and focus on what they are going to say, how they are going to say it, and to be aware of time.