
SEANC calls on NCAE to support the Clear Pricing Project

As the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) board members and executives convened for a board meeting Friday and Saturday, the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) encouraged NCAE to publicly support more transparent and affordable health care coverage for teachers and all other school employees by endorsing the Clear Pricing Project.
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Take action now on your pay raises!

​Budget conferees from the House and Senate are meeting now to work out a compromise on the state budget. This process may be completed by the end of the week, so you must take action now to make your voices heard!
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Folwell, plan opponents square off at SEANC Town Hall

SEANC hosted a town hall forum on the Clear Pricing Project on Thursday at the SEANC Central Office in Raleigh. N.C. Treasurer Dale Folwell and N.C. Healthcare Association lobbyist Cody Hand, as well as House Minority Leader Rep. Darren Jackson (D-Wake), Rep. Joe John (D-Wake) and Rep. Yvonne Holley (D-Wake) were in attendance and answered questions from members.
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