
Pay for state employees, retirees at a crisis

SEANC believes the state is facing a crisis in state employee compensation and retiree pension payments. One-in-three state employees make less than $31,000 a year. More than a few of these employees have worked for the state for decades and still haven't worked up to that salary.
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Small raises, bonuses in Gov. Cooper’s first budget proposal

Gov. Roy Cooper unveiled his first state budget proposal for 2017-2019 on Wednesday that included a 2 percent or $800 salary increase (whichever is greater) for state employees, as well as a $500 one-time bonus and a one-time bonus of 1.5 percent for retirees instead of a cost-of-living adjustment.
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SEANC needs all members to help save ECU jobs

The proposed merger between ECU Physicians Group and Vidant Medical Group stands to put 1,200 state employee positions and benefits at risk. Since news of the merger broke, SEANC has been vocal with ECU that employee rights must be protected at all costs above promised profits and special interests. The fight before us is nowhere near over and we are calling on ALL state employees and retirees to stand together and let all of North Carolina know that ECU is not for sale.
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